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BRAND NEW COURSE - MINDFULNESS & COMPASSION COURSE. This course is another follow-on course from my 6-week mindfulness and mediation course.

6-week evening Mindfulness & Compassion Course in Ennis Clare. Location is the Orchard Wellness Centre on Harmony Row Street. Starting on Friday the 10th of November 2023. It's from 7pm - 8:30pm every Friday evening.

If you don't make time for your wellness, you will be forced to make time for your illness 

My 6-week mindfulness & compassion course is a shortened version of the longer (8-week) Mindfulness-Based compassionate Living (MBCL) course. We will be using the MBCL book as our manual. It is a perquisite for the course to have this book/manual as we will use it like a manual and for the guided meditations. The full name of the book is,

A Practical Guide to Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living: Living with Heart - by Erik van den Brink and Frits Koster.

You can purchase this course online, bookshops. I have a small supply of these books at a cost of €26. Keep an eye out on amazon uk for discounts on this book.

What we cover on this course.

  • How to stop being so hard on yourself
  • Deepening your mindfulness skills
  • How to handle difficult emotions with greater ease
  • How to motivate yourself with encouragement rather than criticism
  • How to transform difficult relationships, both old and new
  • Mindfulness and self-compassion practices for home and everyday life
  • Learning to turn towards difficulty with a sense of acceptance and allowing
  • How to become your own best teacher
  • The science of (self)-compassion
  • Learn to skilfully respond to suffering/difficulty
  • Becoming aware of which emotional regulation system we are in
  • Different compassion meditations
  • How to ‘befriend’ ourselves, and deepening a more loving connection with ourselves
  • Selfcare, and why it should be a priority in our lives
  • Mindful and compassionate communication, with ourselves and others.


This course combines the skills of mindfulness and (self)-compassion, providing a powerful tool for emotional resilience. Mindfulness is the first step in emotional healing—being able to turn toward and acknowledge our difficult thoughts and feelings (such as inadequacy, sadness, anger, confusion) with a spirit of openness and curiosity. Self-compassion involves responding to these difficult thoughts and feelings with kindness  and understanding so that we soothe and comfort ourselves when we’re hurting. Research has shown that self-compassion greatly enhances emotional wellbeing. It boosts happiness, reduces anxiety and depression, and can even help maintain healthy lifestyle habits such as diet and exercise. Being both mindful and compassionate leads to greater ease and well-being in our daily lives.

This course  offers exercises in cultivating compassion for ourselves and others. This course is particularly suitable for those who find mindfulness practice beneficial but have difficulty integrating it into their daily lives. All who wish to deepen the healing effects of mindfulness and develop a kind and compassionate attitude towards themselves and to others are welcome.

The training is based on a scientific understanding of the importance of

(self-)compassion and positive effects of most components have been separately demonstrated in studies among clinical and non-clinical populations.


Class size is small (6 max in Ennis and 10 max in Limerick), so booking early is advised. Course cost is €149 for the 6-week course.

You can book by using PayPal, or if you prefer to use a credit card, just press 'proceed to PayPal' and on that page under the PayPal option, you will be able to book using a credit card.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions at 087 7732467 or fergusbarrett@yahoo.ie
Regards Fergus.

The Three 6-week courses I offer are.

COURSE 1. 6-week mindfulness and meditation course

COURSE 2. 6-week mindfulness for mental health course

COURSE 3. 6-week mindfulness and compassion course


  • Masters in mindfulness-based wellbeing (MBSR & MBCT) - UCC
  • Diploma in Mindfulness and positive psychology – The Irish Mindfulness Academy
  • Teacher training in Mindfulness-based compassionate living

What past participants have said about my courses.

“This course changed my life. That is as simply as I can put it. The techniques, skills, and knowledge I learnt will forever help me through everyday life. I was able to talk in front of a large group of people the other week, something I would usually avoid, because of the breathing techniques I had learnt and by having a positive mindset and giving loving kindness to everyone there and myself – I couldn’t believe how relaxed and comfortable I had made this uncomfortable situation become. I would recommend this course to everyone; Fergus was an amazing teacher and the people in the group were lovely.”   Julie

"Fergus’s mindfulness course gave me the tools and skillset to take charge of my life. It has truly changed my life and the way I deal with struggles, however, has also helped me to appreciate the good stuff more. I suffer with anxiety; the breathing exercises and meditations have helped my coping with this. Anxiety no longer takes over my life. I have gained so much self-respect, everything down to what I eat has changed. I have gained a genuine want to nourish myself and do what is good for me and my life. Everyone around me has noticed a difference and says I seem a lot happier in myself. I have also learned to have patience with my practice and to forgive myself and have compassion for myself and others when mistakes are made. I have dealt with toxic relationships, I could go on, this course has truly changed my life. Thank you Fergus I look forward to your next courses."  Nicole

"The course has made a huge impact in my life. From the first session, it all made sense. Practical and helpful teachings have helped me to cope better, and to live in the moment, not to dwell in the past or to worry about the future." Anonymous

"I found the course inspiring. I learnt a lot about myself, especially how powerful my thoughts can be. Through meditation I am calmer and I’m learning to manage stressful situations better. I found the gratitude journal really thought provoking and it made me think about all the positives in my daily life. The class size was just right, and the homework helped me to cultivate my mindfulness practice." Karen

"I found the 6-week Inward bound mindfulness course to be very beneficial. It is suitable for both professionals and someone looking for personal development. I learned new skills and techniques to help with the demands of a busy life, and it reinforced and enhanced what was already familiar to me. Fergus imparts and shares his knowledge in a relaxed, friendly, and easy to understand way. I would highly recommend this course." Sharon

"I would highly recommend this course. I was very anxious about going from the start. But from the moment you walk into the room, Fergus makes you feel welcome and at ease. Everything is explained clearly and at a pace that is not rushed. So, Fergus has no problem going over anything again.  Before you start any meditations, you clearly understand why you are doing them, and why you are doing that particular meditation. The 6 weeks flew by. I never realised how much I actually needed the course until I was doing it. I will continue to practice mindfulness and meditation going forward." Tereasa


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